Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Jelly Beans Jams Blog 1: Ruby Rocks Out!

Ok so the guilt was killing me. My first child Lucy had been in gymnastics, mommy and me everything , dance , and pretty much every other toddler activity an over achieving first time mom would put her child in. So then when the second child arrived. It was my best effort to make sure she gets finer things in life such as food on a daily basis and that I change her diaper at least once a week..I mean day!

But she’s almost 2 so I decided to investigate fun class we could both enjoy. I’ll do anything to avoid things like soccer. If mama’s not happy then well she won’t remember to take you to your boring classes like art or soccer. But I love music and so do my kids. My 4 year old has a mild to moderate obsession with Michael Jackson. Ruby loves to jam out with her sister and even has learned to try to snap her fingers to the beat. My friend invited me to try a  free class at a local studio in Westchester and we did.It was fun, and Ruby liked it but I was kind of bored to tell you the truth. I hate to say it but I kept looking at the clock to it to be over and I was petrified Ruby was gonna tackle the other kids in the very small room.She didn’t do that she just stole some poor baby boy’s bottle and put it in her mouth and started drinking. At least the mom laughed about it.

We later tried Jelly Bean Jams. Right off the bat I liked it better because it takes place in a beautiful studio with lots of light. There were wall  mirrors and my daughter Ruby is very fond of looking at herself. ( Wonder where she gets that from?)So immediately Ruby ran to the mirros and the instructers were so kind about it.At Jelly Bean jams the class environment is really laid back and fun. I didn’t stress about my daughter sitting my lap or not. Teacher Cristina has such a way with kids a couple times she picked Ruby right up in her arms and danced with her. Ruby smiled and danced with the kids from ages 8 months to 2 years old.We did the scarf dance and I decided to get in my own dance work out. There were mom’s  and a dad too which is cool because my husband will be going too. There was such a variety of activities there was no time to get bored. I have to say she sold me when she pulled out some unexpected Michael Jackson for the free dance time. I knew we were HOME!

We signed up immediately and look forward to next week’s Rockin Jelly Bean Jam!

Kerri Pomarolli

PS Go check out their website here

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