Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Newsletter: McGehee Super Sized Christmas Letter

Kerri Pomarolli & Ron McGeheeDecember 2013
Kerri Pomarolli & Ron McGehee
I was going to have Ron write this update, but he's outside hanging Christmas lights in the shape of peppermints and screaming. He looks like Clark Griswold.

I hope that you're reading this from some comfy chair drinking cocoa or egg nog, shopping in the SkyMall catalog or checking Facebook....whatever gets you in the holiday spirit.

We just wanted to thank each of you for reading our updates and cheering for us as we tackle the great Hollywood battlefield! We're geared up for exciting things in 2014, such as a partnership with HULU TV and some YOUTUBE sponsorships! I can also tell you the secret news before it's public: "I got a book deal!" Yay....happy dancing! I will be able to share more details soon. But the deal was done two weeks ago and my entire manuscript is due Jan 15th. Yeah, you heard me! I'm 29 chapters in and still have attended 14 Christmas parties and made 5 pot-luck dishes, decorated 3 gingerbread houses and folded 4 loads of laundry. That was just today! Why? Cause I'm a MOM! We multi-task well.

Lucy just did a holiday film and we'll expect to see that in festivals next year. She got free cookies so it was a good shoot for her. Ruby's been slacking in the making money department but excelling in the drawing on our walls department. So that kid is actually costing us cash to keep her!

We're excited to unveil our new "Team McGehee" uniforms for 2014 below. What do you think? We have extras!

Thanks a million for all the support!
Have a Super Christmas!
Team McGehee

Kerri Pomarolli & Ron McGehee
217 Palos Verdes Blvd 
Redondo Beach, California 90277

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