Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Reality Rules

Greetings from the "Mommyhood". Our little 10 pounder arrived 4 weeks ago and we've been in survival mode feeding the little "Sumo wrestler" ever since. Thank God for Grandparents because we would not have survived without them. My folks have been with us for the duration. So, I haven't seen the light of day except through that magical little life saving tube that got me through my pregnancy called the "television". I'm sad to admit my excitement comes in the form of looking forward to nights as a family watching reality TV. Now that the Writers Union is on strike there will be more of it for me to enjoy. You can laugh all you want but I like it.

I'd like to take a stand and defend my family night entertainment. All three generations of us enjoy "Top Chef" "Next Iron Chef" "Boy Meets Grill" and anything on the Food Channel. The irony there is that I don't cook. So it's kind of cruel torture for my husband to see all those delicious dishes he won't be eating. Oh well I gave birth to his child. That should hold him for 18 years.

There's also "The Amazing Race" where teams compete in a race around the world. With my mom here, we get old school and watch game shows. I admit I do get a kick out of watching "Deal or No Deal" where people with absolutely no skills whatsoever get to win a million dollars. Our favorite of all is "Dancing With the Stars". This brings back memories of Saturday nights as I sat and brushed my grandma's white hair and we watched Dance Fever and even Solid Gold if mom wasn't home. (Sometimes we'd chill out to a little Lawrence Welk)

So why my obsession with these mindless shows when we know our family could be indulging in some old fashioned Yatzee or actual conversation? Well, here is the deal folks: we're all cooped up in this home caring for a new baby 24 hours-a-day and our minds are mush. So what makes us happy is to watch other people cook, win money or learn dance routines. Isn't rooting for Marie Osmond on Dancing with the Stars too cool? I grew up with her and Donny.

My main defense is that these shows are good clean fun. It's not like we can all sit around and watch "Desperate Housewives" or "Dirty Sexy Money" and all the other disgusting offerings on the tube these days. It's sad that there aren't shows on nowadays like we used to watch including "Little House on the Prairie" or "Happy Days". I miss Fonzie! I'm even appalled by some of the children's shows on now and how inappropriate they are.(Wow! I sound like a mom
already!) So what's a mom to do? Until there are good clean scripted shows on that me, my folks and baby can enjoy together, baby Lucy is going to grow up being a really good cook and knowing some "kickin" dance moves. Maybe we should get our own reality show? Now..that's the ticket...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi! I just saw a couple of comedy videos on youtube that featured you. I love your comedy style! Being a Charismatic Christian able to laugh at himself and his beliefs, I find your talk about the "demons of taste and standards" to be hysterical!!! Keep it up! I must look around your website to see if I can find more videos. Oh, and ... I agree with your comments about the stuff on TV today. I don't have kids yet, but I'm concerned about what's on. Thanks for your "suggestions" for good shows! God bless!